Culture21 srl – Gruppo Monti&Taft Ltd
Partita IVA 03068171200 | Codice Fiscale/Numero iscrizione registro imprese di Roma 03068171200
CCIAA R.E.A. RM - 1367791 | Capitale sociale: €10.000 i.v.
Support for the development of good business ideas is a key factor for the growth of both the tourism sand the cultural sectors that need to evolve in a sustainable way.
For this reason, Monti&Taft is pleased to announce the launch of a new microcredit service by which we facilitate associations, young people and cultural organizations, access to finance, supported by the experience of the leading companies in the industry.
If you have a project idea on culture and/or tourism, if you belong to an association, if you want to start a start-up and would like a concrete help to start your business, get in touch with us.
We will study with you all pathways and we will help you to take the first steps towards the success of your idea!
To get documents and information please contact us at