Culture21 srl – Gruppo Monti&Taft Ltd
Partita IVA 03068171200 | Codice Fiscale/Numero iscrizione registro imprese di Roma 03068171200
CCIAA R.E.A. RM - 1367791 | Capitale sociale: €10.000 i.v.
GLOCALFINEART Granada Meeting May 15-16, 2014
Scientific – Dissemination – Management Meetings
Within the Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) project entitled GLOCALFINEART the Granada workshop will be the first joint scientific event.
The Contemporary art world and market are increasingly non-transparent, fragmented, oligopolistic and difficult to newcomers. The huge amount of information (magazines, fairs, galleries, etc.) available in various languages creates chaos and is not summarised in any useful way. Experts and professionals of the Contemporary Art world and market lack the basic information support and analytical tools that are widely available in similar environments. This is especially true for Europeans, whose local worlds and markets are losing appeal, and who lack the tools to look at developing countries.
The creation of appropriate analytical tools requires to concentrate knowledge now scattered in different areas (art economics, art history), further deepen and widen it, use it in a down-to-earth way typical of a private company. The partners in this project, besides Erasmus University Rotterdam, these are Universidad de Granada, Istanbul Bilgi Universitesi, and the companies BVisible (Milan), and Monti & Taft (Rome) will develop the necessary synergies to meet such challenge through an intense transfer of knowledge program and very close interaction.
The project will lay ground for a whole new suite of studies on the art market, open new business opportunities, and set a model useful also outside the Contemporary Art World.
Scientific Meeting May 15
The scientific meeting will be a workshop on the Spanish contemporary global and local art market. All researchers involved in the project GLOCALFINEART will be present to discuss the following issues; critic’s role in the young artists’ value creation; curator’s role in the young artists’ value creation; discovery and market galleries: Two different perspectives in Malaga; fairs’ impact on the young artists’ artwork prices at local level; galleries and collectors’ new challenges in the primary market; promotion and internationalization of young artists career’ strategies.
This meeting should give great insides in the Spanish contemporary art market and present the main results of WP2 of the project.
Dissemination Meeting May 16
This will be the first time that the dissemination board will meet each other and all the researchers involved with the program. This meeting will therefore start of with an introduction of all dissemination board members and their communication strategy. After that a joint communication strategy will be discussed – such as press releases, integration of tools etc.
Besides these strategies they will be asked to give an advice on the website and the youtube video concepts.
Management Meeting May 16
Also for the management assistants, this will be the first meeting they will meet each other and therefore a good moment to discuss; administrative procedures; financial administration; preparing reports; attending meetings; financial management; recruitment strategy; preparing documents and contracts; time management; discussion on the GANTT. At the end of the meeting all partners will be given the change to ask questions and discuss the management and annexes of the project.