
(Ed.) Stefano Monti and Michele Trimarchi, Beyond the Crisis. Youth Culture Employment in the southern regions, Rubbettino publisher 2012

Stefano Monti., Michele Trimarchi, “From Corporate Social Responsibility to the Cultural Social Responsibility,” in Gloria Fiorani, Roberto Jannelli, Marco Meneguzzo CSR 2.0 Proactive and sustainable. Between global markets and crisis management, Egea 2012

Federica Dian, Stefano Monti, Michele Trimarchi, Silvia Zanini, Libraries in Italy: Values ??Resources Strategies, Franco Angeli 2012

Vittoria Azzarita, Paola De Bartolo, Stefano Monti, Michele Trimarchi, Cultural social responsibility. The birth of the cognitive firm, Franco Angeli 2010

Stefano Monti, “The role of governance and territorial policies in local development processes: the great cultural and entertainment events” in (ed.) Fabrizio Melorio and Maura Roman, Culture beyond the event, Luca Sossella 2009


Russo A.P. (2012). Branding Brazilian slums through “freeware” cultural production: the case of Rio de Janeiro. In Go, F., and Govers, R. (eds.) International Place Branding Yearbook 2012: Managing Smart Growth and Sustainability. Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN 978-0-230-27952-0, pp. 174-186.

Servillo, L., Atkinson, R. and A.P. Russo (2012). Territorial Attractiveness in the EU Urban and Spatial Policy: In critical review and future research agenda. European Urban and Regional Studies 19 (4), 349-365.

Russo A.P., and A. Quaglieri Domínguez (2012). From the City to the Tourist Dual Creative Melting Pot: the Liquid Geographies of Global Cultural Consumerism. In Smith., M., and G. Richards (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Cultural Tourism. London: Routledge. ISBN  978-0-415-52351-6, Ch. 40.


Edited by epos, agenda for culture in the coming years, Tafterjournal n. 55 – January 2013 – special issue epos, January 2013, available at the following  link

Vittoria Azzarita , Why do we want deal with culture, Tafterjournal n. 55 – January 2013 – special issue epos, January 2013, available at the following  link

Marco Bernabe, The new faces of multi-culturalism, Tafterjournal n. 55 – January 2013 – special issue epos, January 2013, available at the following  link

Marco Bernabe, Stefano Monti, Measure themselves with accountability, Artribune Magazine # 9, December 2012, available at the following  link

Vittoria Azzarita, Stefano Monti, The Thin Red Line between culture and innovation, Doppiozero, 29.10.2012, available at the following  link

Culture. How to be assertive?, Stefano Monti, Artribune Magazine #7, July 2012, available at the following link


Manifesto on italian strategies and cultural policies edited by epos, critical laboratory of ideas, strategies and projects to interpret the culture of the next few years and to direct cultural  policies towards well-being and participation

Monday, December 19, 2011

Triennale, Milan

Download the brochure

Sixth edition of Lu.Be.C. – Lucca Cultural Heritage: a virtual window on the future of cultural heritage, Multimedia, new professions and the public role: here is how it changes the development of the territory

21 and 22 October 2010 – Real Collegio Lucca

Download the  Acts (Pdf – 43,7KB)

Conference “eXperience”: models of management of cultural heritage, landscape and systems of territorial governance in the light of the new institutional framework of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia

June 15, 2007 – Codrongianus (SS) – location Saccargia

Download the Acts (Pdf – 240KB)